Thursday, January 26, 2006

[MBA] King Kong ain't got - whatever

It seems I am the king of waitlists. Tuck placed me on the waitlist today. I haven't talked to the waitlist coordinator yet, so I have only the general waitlist mail to go by for now. But it looks like the ability 'to demonstrate a clear desire to attend Tuck' is what will matter most now. I can't help going back to my interview and the absolute disaster I made of the 'Why Tuck' question. Hell, it was not even a 'Why Tuck' question. It was more like 'If you get into X and Tuck which would you prefer' question.

Anyhow, it's funny how expectations can affect your perception of the present. Getting put on the K waitlist was a big downer for me as I was looking forward to an admit. However, since on Tuesday I had assumed that I was getting dinged at Tuck, the waitlist news today has made me happy. Ah, the beauty of lowered expectations.

Congrats to fellow bloggers sghama and vatsa for making it to Tuck.


SgHama said...

I'm sorry to hear about the waitlist. Hope you get off soon. Still 4 more schools to go so the numbers are on your side :)

Ash said...

tagged !