Monday, February 20, 2006

[General] What is your clan spread?

Thanks to Sepia Mutiny I came across this site If you type in your last name, it will give you a map showing the distribution of your clan (clan <=> last name) across the various American states.

The pic on the left is my clan spread. As expected we are pretty under-represented. I think they only use citizens and/or permanent residents to generate this map. So I don't show up on this.


i_will_make_it said...

That's fun! I just did mine, and there are more of my "clan" than I thought! (I have a more uncommon Chinese last name.)

Well, at least your clan covers all areas: west, midwest, and east! lol.

i_will_make_it said...

Probably from eating too much chocolate and candy. I have a sweet tooth, what can I say? A lot 'o cavities too. lol. I'm waiting for your good news too!

Benny said...

that´s awesome!