Friday, November 04, 2005

[MBA] The blues

I am finding it difficult to motivate myself to tackle the remaining essays. Since I was writing all the Kellogg essays from scratch, they had a fresh feel about them. Now all my essays sound jaded. I don't know whether it's because I have read them a zillion times or if they are really stale. I know the eventual reader will be reading them for the 1st time. But I just can't shake off that uneasy feeling.

Gosh! I am looking forward to January already.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the rest of your essays. Happy Diwali.


i_will_make_it said...

Totally understand. You read the words over and over again and all everything starts to blur. When that happens, switch gears for a bit. Work on the app data forms, check in w/ your recommenders, or just take a lil' break and then come back and read the essay later (or the next day). Sometimes that may give you a fresh perspective each time.

Good luck w/ R2!

SgHama said...

Look on the bright side. Writing from scratch is extremely painful. For me - the more i can reuse, the better. It would ideal if i only had to write one set of essays and could use them for all schools!