Thursday, September 08, 2005

[MBA] Why Kellogg why

Right now I am going through essay writing hell. Everything I write comes out sounding like a kid bragging about beating his friends at a game of marbles or whatever it is that kids play now a days. When I try to compensate I start sounding like an apologetic loser. The cruelest of all essays by far is this one from Kellogg.

"You have been selected as a member of the Kellogg Admissions Committee. Please provide a brief evaluative assessment of your file."

Well, sure - here is my assessment.
"This candidate is the most amazing candidate I have come across in my short career as an AdCom. Let's admit him before some other school snatches him away from us."

This essay kind of brings out why essay writing is so tough. You have to carry off delicate balancing acts at multiple levels. Be honest and introspective without killing your candidacy. Spin without sounding like a windbag. Highlight your achievements without sounding like that kid above.

1 comment:

PowerYogi said...

i'm with you. it's a pretty rough essay. i started mine very simply:

I like PowerYogi.

needless to say, they rejected me :-)